Adulting for Approval: A Look at Why We Still Seek Validation from Our Parents

Adulting for Approval: A Look at Why We Still Seek Validation from Our Parents 

Are you a grown adult who still feels the need to seek validation from your parents? Join the club, sis! It seems like no matter how successful we become, that desire for a pat on the back from Mama and Daddy never quite goes away. But why do we still feel the need for these permission slips well into adulthood? Let's dive into this hilarious dilemma.

Picture this: you're a boss babe, climbing the corporate ladder, making power moves left and right. You're out here slaying the game, but deep down, you still crave that "I'm proud of you" from your folks. It's like, hello, I'm already out here adulting like a champ, can't I get a gold star without having to call home first?

Maybe it's because our parents have always been our first cheerleaders, our biggest supporters. They were there from day one, cheering us on at soccer games, helping us with homework, and gently guiding us through life's ups and downs. It's only natural that we still seek their approval, even as independent, kick-ass women.

And let's not forget the cultural aspect. In many African American families, respect for elders and seeking their wisdom is ingrained in us from an early age. So when it comes to major life decisions or accomplishments, it's almost second nature to want that nod of approval from our parents, no matter how old we get.

But hey, here's the kicker: at the end of the day, we're all grown adults who don't really need permission slips anymore. We should be out here living our best lives, making bold moves, and celebrating our own victories, whether or not Mom and Dad give us that virtual high five.

So next time you find yourself seeking validation from your parents, take a step back and give yourself a little pat on the back. You're doing amazing, sweetie! And if your parents happen to chime in with their proud praises, well, consider it the cherry on top of your boss babe sundae.

In conclusion, seeking validation from our parents as African American women may be a comedic struggle, but hey, we're strong, independent queens who are perfectly capable of slaying on our own. So go ahead, give yourself that permission slip to thrive and shine, because you've earned it, permission granted!

Black. By. Nature - AI staff write & voice over 

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